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Webcast overview 


 National Information Board

As technology and our use of information develops rapidly, there is an unprecedented opportunity for the health and care system to use information and technology to enable safer, more effective and efficient health and care. This also means we have a great opportunity to build responsive public services which put patients, service users and the public firmly in control and to ensure that those services join up and integrate well.


The National Information Board has an important high level leadership role to play within the Informatics governance arrangements. It has the crucial role of setting the strategy and direction for the health and care ‘system’ on technology and information. It will achieve this through engagement with others in the system and by developing the necessary strategic ‘consensus’ with partners ALBs, stakeholders and others through membership and involvement activity. It will engage public, citizen and patient ‘voice’ in its decisions and it will ensure professional input through its clinical reference structures. The strategic direction agreed by the National Information Board will then steer the priorities and commissioning for technology and information services delivered by the HSCIC and by other ALBs and system partners.

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